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The results are in. Thank you to all those who participated in the little questionnaire off to the side this past week. The results should be quite helpful in improving the comic in the months to come.
So let’s take a look at the results.
Sixteen people completed the questionnaire
The first few questions were more to gauge how visitors view the comic.
How often do you visit Bohemian Nights?
11 Only on the days the comic is posted
3 Everyday! I'm a web comic junkie!
2 Maybe once a week. If I can remember...
How often do you re-read through the Archives?
12 Once in a while I'll re-read some of the older stuff.
3 I read it once. Why would I read it again?
1 Every visit I look though some of the older comics.
What's your opinion of the artwork?
9 A different style than most out there, but still good.
4 Great! A lot better then most of the web-comics out there.
3 Kinda hit and miss.
What's your opinion of the writing?
12 Good dialog, fun characters, well thought of storylines.
4 Entertaining, but sometimes slow.
What are your favorite parts of the comic?
11 The storyline
10 The characters
6 The Humor
1 The Art
(I’m very glad to see readers really respond to the story and characters so well)
What would you like to see improved?
9 Fleshing out the characters more
5 The Artwork
1 The Storylines
1 Your attitude, buddy!
(I’ll agree with these results)
Who are your top three favorite characters?
13 Beth
11 Emrys
9 Shannon
4 Mark
3 Mateo
3 Jeff
3 Mrs. McKrakkin
2 Devon
0 Dave
(The top two fall in line with my own favs)
(aww…no love for the Davester)
Which characters would you like to see more of / fleshed out better?
7 Shannon
6 Emrys
5 Devon
4 Beth
4 Jeff
3 Dave
2 Mark
2 Kat
1 Mateo
1 Mrs. McKrakkin
1 Drake
(Devon was the early lead but then Shannon and Emrys jumped ahead at the end.)
So… room for improvement. Beth and Emrys seem to be most everyone’s favorite characters (yet, Emrys still needs work to flesh him out better.) I couldn’t agree with you more. In the next couple of weeks I’ll be working to correct this. As always, I’m about 10 to 15 scripts ahead of what is actually posted, and about 2-4 completed strips ahead of what’s posted. But I will use this information to help speed things along. Also, look for a HUGE New Year ’s Eve story line where tons of shit goes down starting sometime in December! --Think of your best (and worst) huge block party you’ve ever been to…
2 thoughts on “#294 Whoyagonnacall?”
I agree with some of the poll. I love the comic but it does feel slow at the moment – but that could be because I’m viewing it post by post and not at my own pace.
Some character development would be good. Humour is fine and all – it is often very funny- but because of the lack of substantial character development it feels like all the characters share the same joke writer. The jokes can be placed in any of the characters mouths and work at the moment. I’m not sure if I’m explaining myself properly, apologies.
For example, in a group you might have someone with dark / edgy humour, someone with dirty humour, with sarcastic etc.
I think that the in work scenes for some of the characters was really interesting – in the shop or call centre. But these have been done too many times now. We already get that they hate their jobs. Its time to ramp it up now!
You know, I think you hit the problem right on the head. You’re right. They do need to have a bit more distinctive personality especially in their humor (or lack thereof) and overall way of speaking. I will try to work on that more.
I also agree that there is a kind of lull in the story right about now. I write out the story about a month in advance and edit it as I draw it. As it stands right now I’m trying to wrap up a few loose ends as well as set some other plotlines into motion. Things will take off dramatically once we get to a huge New Years Eve party I have planned for everyone in which a whole bunch of shit goes down. I’m very much looking forward to that! (and will start sometime mid December and maybe end two months later!) I think my brain gets bogged down around this time of year. I, myself, also work in retail and the holiday season for me tends to wreck my brain and creative spirit somewhat. I try not to let it affect the comic too much but inevitably some of the corrosive residue seeps into my work.
But yes, I think I need to trim down some of the stuff that I seem to be overdoing a bit or really don’t have much enthusiasm to do. Case in point, I’m creating the family Christmas party right now and realize, I really don’t want to spend too much time on it. The storyline got cut almost in half (Now just episodes 300-304) so that I can move the story into more dramatic and hopefully more interesting areas.
Also only posting twice a week does tend to slow things down a bit too. I wish to hell I could go back to posting at least three times a week (or more), but financially, it’s just not possible. -But perhaps sometime in the future. I’ve always said, the better the comic does, the more I’ll be able to post in a week. I’m still hopeful that perhaps one day I can call this my only job.
Thank you for your comments and constructive criticism. It is much appreciated.
1041 Freebird
37 4249 Mar 02, 2025
1040 Goodnight Moon
41 6092 Feb 24, 2025
Bohemian Nights Timeline
41 5392 Feb 17, 2025
1039 Welcome to the Room
33 5834 Feb 10, 2025
1038 On My Way
35 5918 Feb 03, 2025
1037 Where were you?
36 6603 Jan 27, 2025
1036 Ashes
32 6725 Jan 20, 2025
1035 Dark Side of the Moon
33 7475 Jan 13, 2025
1034 In The End
33 7994 Jan 06, 2025
1033 Hurt
32 7845 Dec 30, 2024